The LCARS website template comes out of the box with a fixed width of 1,340 pixels, and scales all the way down to most phones. Unfortunately, when viewing LCARS on desktop computer screens with a viewport width wider than 1340 pixels, blank space can be seen on each side (see image directly below). There is this option which allows LCARS to break the 1,340 pixels limit and fill the full width of the screen, however I was inspired to do something more.
The black and white image shown here represents a standard LCARS layout, which is similar to the LCARS seen behind Picard's head and below Data's chin in the above screenshot from Nemesis. But as you can also see in the screenshot, the bigger/wider screen (framed in red) has more "Okudagrams" added next to the basic LCARS layout. This was my guide as I developed LCARS Ultra, but in the classic color palette.
I imagine if LCARS Ultra becomes popular, I will need to also create Ultra versions of the other color themes, especially the Nemesis Blue theme since it was the inspiration for Ultra.
You can't download LCARS Ultra just yet, but it's on the way. If you have any feedback or questions, you can email me.